Sunday, December 30, 2018

Why 40mm Jigsaw Mats Are Perfect for Grappling Sports?

When it comes to hand-to-hand combat sports, besides getting proper training, having the right gear is the key to stay clear of avoidable injuries and fatigue. The most crucial equipment for a grappling sport is the mat because this will create a safe region where you or your opponent can land without getting badly injured. So, as a piece of advice for professionals, grappling sports event managers, and training center owners, dedicate time to buy the right mat. One can’t pick just about anything, do a little bit of research work to make an informed decision.

Commonly known as the anti-fatigue runners, the jigsaw mats nowadays is an easy choice for a wealth of reasons. Scroll down to take a look at a handful of these-

1.    Prevents Joint Stiffness

The 40mm jigsaw mats are perfect for grappling sports as they prevent joint stiffness in case the player lands badly or in a grappled position.

2.    Prevent Head Injuries

40mm is termed as the ideal thickness when it comes to combat sports. The jigsaw mats are tough enough to prevent the head from directly hitting the ground. The jigsaw mats stay strong and robust, even during rough use.

3.    No Tripping Problem

Owing to the interlocking construction of the jigsaw mats, they are best for grappling sport and it stays in position perfectly, no chances of tripping. However, it is important to ensure that the mats are installed correctly at the sports arena so that they don’t move during the game. Since they are solid to the ground, players can give their best without worrying about getting injured.

As an Advice

In the end, be very careful with the thickness you select when it comes to jigsaw mats. Ideally, 40 mm is just right; also you can seek the advice of professionals related to this game.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


30 mm Jigsaw Mats are made of rigidly expanded EVA foam material. Interlocking EVA foam mats (also known as puzzle mats) have become very popular in the last few years. Jigsaw Mats are much cheaper than traditional vinyl and tatami mats, and can be used for many activities such as MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Taekwondo, Aikido, Kempo, Karate, Ninjutsu, Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Yoga, Hapkido, Capoeira, and Boxing.

As the name implies, a jigsaw mat is shaped like a jigsaw. The Jigsaw method enables the mat to lock in with each other (another mat) by eliminating the need for tapes by other methods to join the mat together. These mats can perfectly be connected together to create a large space ideal for MMA. 30mm Jigsaw mat can be cut to fit narrow angles and irregular shaped areas.

Advantages are;

1.Water Resistant

One thing that should looked at when looking for a mat for Mixed Martial Arts is if it is water resistant.  Trainings should be made in different areas and no condition should make it impossible. At times water is needed to take while training or fighting and soaked ground is not needed to play on. Since the mats cannot be destroyed by water, they will last for long.

2.High foam quality

Foam is the most important feature of any MMA mat. This foam absorbs shock and prevents injury. A good MMA mat should be made with a high foam quality that prevents fraying and a 30mm Jigsaw mat is recommendable

3.Quality Material

The materials used to make the MMA mats are also another important thing to check. It will be more sensible to get a mat made of mold-resistant materials and a 30mm Jigsaw mat is recommendable. The material is a non-recycled and non-toxic preventing it to be a threat to one's health. 30mm Jigsaw mats are made with high quality and durable materials for MMA.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Things to Know About the Best Wrestling Mats 40mm

A wrestling mat is a crucial piece of equipment needed in spots for competitive and safety reasons. These mats are designed with markings that assist both judges and wrestlers during competition. Competitors should have these mats for practicing and it will help them a lot during competition.

Where to Buy

There are several places to buy wrestling mats 40mm but the best of all is at This site has the best wrestling art mats. They are high quality and there is a variety to choose from. People who have bought here before have given a positive review on the quality and reliability.

What is the Price?

One thing that many people will want to know about wrestling mats is how much they will spend. Prices may range depending on where you purchase. Remember that these mats are a long time investment and if you want something durable then you should be ready to spend a little more. Our site, however, offers these mats at friendly prices and thus you do not have to spend a fortune on them.

Safety Information

After buying a wrestling mat for your child or yourself as well, it is crucial to consider safety. The safety precautions one should take when at home are the same with what they do with a coach or team. However, you can take more sanitary measures if the wrestling mat is personal. Wipe the mat after using it and consider sanitizing it regularly.

Characteristics of the Best Wrestling Mats

When looking for a wrestling mat, ensure you get the best quality. Consider the manufacturers and read reviews written by other users. The best wrestling art mats 40mm should be portable, lightweight and made with high quality materials. These mats can create a big difference between just a good wrestler and a great wrestler. Practice on the mats as much as possible for this would give you a competitive advantage.